Michael S. Adelman
- Sole Practitioner
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If you are an individual, company, business or any other entity currently facing, or expecting to face, a criminal or civil tax investigation, you should immediately contact Michael S. Adelman, Esquire.
From 1970 through mid-1986, Mr. Adelman was employed in the IRS’s Office of Regional Counsel, in Philadelphia, serving as a Senior Trial Attorney from 1975-1986.
During this 16-year service as an IRS attorney, Mr. Adelman was a specialist in the evaluation for the IRS of criminal tax (tax evasion, false returns, non-filing and Federal Grand Jury) matters. For seven of those years, he also represented the IRS in United States Tax Court civil cases, arising from appealed tax audits, usually involving issues such as unreported income, misstated deductions, civil fraud and/or other penalties, innocent spouse, tax shelters or transferee liability.
From mid-1986 to date, Mr. Adelman has moved to the “other side,” with a legal practice geared almost exclusively to defense of Federal Tax crime investigations/charges. The range of services is from full-scale legal representation to consulting, serving as co-counsel or as an expert witness.
These tax defense services are available for tax evasion, non-filings, Federal Grand Jury, false tax returns and/or false statement Federal Tax cases. Mr. Adelman is also available for all issues typically involved in U.S. Tax Court cases, tax audits and administrative appeals from audit determinations, or for IRS collection disputes. Finally, Mr. Adelman has the expertise to offer counsel and representation in all types of State Tax disputes, especially for States located on the East Coast.
The tax defense services are not only for individuals and businesses, but also can be structured to assist accountants, or attorneys, who may wish to retain control of a client, while being guided and counseled behind-the-scenes by an expert with almost 50 years of tax controversy experience.
Finally, Mr. Adelman’s tax practice is national in scope. Representation and counseling is available not only “in person,” but by a combination of media such as phone, fax and e-mail. Advice can be rendered on an issue-by-issue or entire case basis.
Legal fees are reasonable, especially in light of Mr. Adelman’s 16 years of compliance experience with the Treasury Department and almost five decades as a defense attorney. Terms will be proposed in written form, time actually used for legal services will be itemized, and any unused portions of retainers, or other advance payments, are refundable to the client.
Areas of Practice
- Tax Defense in IRS Criminal Investigation (Federal, State, Local Tax Crimes 100%
- Defense), Civil Tax and Collection Matters - National
Litigation Percentage
Bar Admissions
- New Jersey, 1970
- U.S. District Court District of New Jersey, 1970
- U.S. Tax Court, 1979
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey School of Law - Camden, Camden, New Jersey
- J.D. - 1970
- Honors: Graduated With Honors, Ranked 2nd in Law School Graduation Class
- Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- A.B. - 1967
- Honors: cum laude
- Major: History
Representative Clients
- Criminal Tax Prosecution Cases
Honors and Awards
- Prentice Hall Tax Award (Co-recipient) - To Leading Student(s) in Taxation Law School Graduation Class, 1970
- Numerous American Jurisprudence "Book" Awards - to Student(s) With Highest Grade in Various Law School Courses, 1968 - 1970
Past Employment Positions
- Office of Regional Counsel, IRS, Philadelphia, Attorney/Senior Trial Attorney, 1970 to 1979
- Office of District Counsel, IRS, Philadelphia, Senior Trial Attorney, 1979 to 1986
Pro Bono Activities
- Pro Bono Representation when Called Upon by the Court, 1986 - Present
Ancillary Businesses
- Consulting in IRS Matters